Where's Joe?
Working? Yes, a lot. Gone Fishing? Yep, that too. And training, travelling, etc. But still drinking wine and taking notes, just a bit behind in my write ups....
Anyway, in my travels I came across the vinous legend of the gemstone, Amethyst, and it goes something like this (there are various versions):
Bacchus, the ancient Greek god of wine, was angry with man and vowed to punish the next mortal who crossed his path. A princess named Amethyst came along, on her way to worship the goddess Diana. Diana, seeing her danger, turned her into quartz to protect from Bacchus' tigers. Shamed, and filled with remorse, Bacchus wept tears of wine, staining her our favourite purple hue.
Apparently the ancients also believed that drinking wine from an Amethyst chalice would prevent intoxication ... you can keep your Eisch breathable glass, daddy needs an Amethyst chalice for Christmas!
Good to hear from you again. Those glasses sound like a great idea, I'm surprised Mr Riedel has not moved on this one yet!
Ed, you're like me - you would buy any wine paraphernalia that you could get your hands on, including an amethyst chalice! Maybe I should start a business...
So is Eisch worth it? OR should we stick to amethyst and Riedel.
Never tried the Eisch, Shea, but I won't bring any glassware into my house that could make my decanter collection obsolete! Find me an amethyst chalice and I'm all over that.
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